Bookstagram trends: an emergent literary journalistic criticism form for new audiences



Published 30-05-2023
Isaac López Redondo
Ángeles Fernández-Barrero


The present study starts from the idea that literary criticism has found a new platform on Instagram to inform and comment on literature, maintaining some of the main characteristics of this journalistic genre and incorporating new features. For this, a content analysis of the six profiles in Spanish with the highest number of followers on Instagram has been carried out, in order to establish also the main characteristics of the content that these types of profiles host and their impact within the community. To reinforce the qualitative nature of the research, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with those responsible for these profiles on Instagram.

How to Cite

López Redondo, I., & Fernández-Barrero, Ángeles. (2023). Bookstagram trends: an emergent literary journalistic criticism form for new audiences. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 28(54), 101–120.
Abstract 475 | pdf (Español) Downloads 659



Social networks, Instagram, Criticism, Bookstagram, Journalism genres, Bookstagrammers

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