Identity, Femininity and Empowerment. An advertising analysis proposal for the “Con Mucho Acento” campaign of Cervezas Cruzcampo (Spain).
César San Nicolás Romera
Miguel Ángel Nicolás Ojeda
The purpose of this research is to analyze the interweaving of social discourses with the advertising phenomenon and with the rest of the phenomena of an axiological, symbolic and ideological nature that appear attached to it. In this case, the discussion on identity, femininity and empowerment serves as the basis to present a method of analysis that we apply to the advertising campaign "Con mucho acento" by Cervezas Cruzcampo. Through this analysis, we pretend: a) identify the strategies and tactics of the campaign, b) address the understanding of the significant aspects present in its discourse and c) set the values and trends related to the social and cultural context inherent to the group of social discourses institutionalized in the reality that inspires them. This method of analysis applied to the case presented gives a vision of the idea of the empowerment of the figure of women in an active scenario and through a set of representations that go beyond a certain space or temporal framework.
How to Cite
Advertising, cultural identity, empowerment, femininity
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