Beyond the boundaries of public relations historiography through royal medieval propaganda: examples of a proto-public relations background algunos antecedentes de relaciones públicas



Published 30-05-2023
Jesus Reina Estevez


In recent years, academic interest in the historiography of the history of public relations has grown. Some of the predominant theories that broaden historical-conceptual origins of public relations, and its harmonization with other areas of human communication, such as journalism or propaganda, are reviewed. Through an exploratory-descriptive study, examples of antecedents of public relations are presented within the royal medieval propaganda during the reign of the Habsburgs in Spain, in the 16th-17th centuries, justified by the historiographical theory of motivations or strategic intent. /human agency by Russell & Lamme (2016).

How to Cite

Reina Estevez, J. (2023). Beyond the boundaries of public relations historiography through royal medieval propaganda: examples of a proto-public relations background: algunos antecedentes de relaciones públicas. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 28(54), 185–204.
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History of public relations, propaganda, journalism, Historiography

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