Visual composition and content of online advertising in digital media in the comunity of Madrid



Published 05-12-2023
Laura Melendo Rodríguez-Carmona
Pilar Yustres Duro


The digitalization process of Spanish advertising is very consolidated in many of its areas, but today it is difficult to ensure that it has reached its maximum development. Innovation applied to information and communication technologies and digitalization continue to impact the advertising field, and continue to trigger changes in its structures, processes and products. Because the role that advertising plays in the digital society is key, due to its contribution as an economic and social engine, observing its state is a vital tool to understand its development. How advertising is managed, what formats are used and what advertising activity they have must be a subject of constant study to measure the degree to which this development process is. In the following article, an empirical study is carried out in order to discover how digital media manage advertising and what type of content is advertised on the home page of the most consumed digital press media in the Community of Madrid. Focusing the study on the Madrid area allows progress in the field of study of the research group and lays a foundation stone for future comparative studies with other areas of the country. As a general conclusion, it can be said that the digital advertising of the online press of the Community of Madrid has a clear classic nuance, determined in the first instance by the behavior of the readers, since they prefer national newspapers to those specialized in their geographical area. , although it is true, these newspapers have local sections, but this peculiarity means that the classic character is maintained within online advertising because the analyzed mastheads are "long-standing" reference newspapers, which is reflected in its advertising modus operandi, transferring many characteristics of the printed medium to the digital one. It is therefore evident that this digital medium, so groundbreaking and which has so impactfully made its way into advertisers' media plans, grows by looking closely at traditional media and inherits some of their characteristics. It is then time to recognize that everything that arrives new always has as a reference those who were there before it arrived.

How to Cite

Melendo Rodríguez-Carmona, L., & Yustres Duro, P. (2023). Visual composition and content of online advertising in digital media in the comunity of Madrid . ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 28(55), 79–103.
Abstract 313 | pdf (Español) Downloads 268



digital advertising, local press, digital media, digital press, advertising

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