Teaching Communication Theories in Spain: Analysis and Reflections before Bologna's Convergence



Published 12-09-2011
José Alberto García Avilés Leonarda García Jiménez


This article shows a study on the teaching programmes of Theory of Communication which have been offered in Spanish Journalism Schools during the 2007/2008 academic year. An analysis of the following items has been undertaken: course title and description, content, length and year in which it is taught; objectives and teaching methodology; types of practical exercises and course evaluation.

Course programmes include a theoretical approach to the discipline and the communication phenomenon, dealing with issues such as the concept of communication and the scientific status of communication studies. The study of effects theories is also frequent, as it reveals the importance of functionalism in Spanish Journalism curricula. Other issues highlighted are the models of communication, as well as the study of senders, receptors and social culture, which are mentioned in 40% of the course programmes. The most common teaching methodology is the master class. Also highly rated are readings, class debates and individual essays.

The creation of the European Space of Higher Education (EEES) demands a change from traditional methods based on the student as a passive subject, as a new approach where the students are actively involved in the development of their learning process. Taking into account the findings of our analysis, a series of suggestions are made in order to set a proposal of a course guide adapted to the EEES.

How to Cite

García Avilés, J. A., & García Jiménez, L. (2011). Teaching Communication Theories in Spain: Analysis and Reflections before Bologna’s Convergence. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 14(27). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.2634
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