«Fitinfluencers» and their impact on body perception and evaluation in young people and on the development of male vigorexia



Published 16-12-2024
Vatiu Nicolas Koralsky


This study examines how three fitness and personal development influencers on YouTube promote natural ways to increase testosterone. It explores how these "fitfluencers" aim to transform their audience's lifestyles. The videos were examined using qualitative content analysis to review the various recommendations presented. The results suggest that, in two of the three cases studied, the influencers rely on stereotypical negative representations of masculinity to encourage testosterone increase.

How to Cite

Koralsky, V. N. (2024). «Fitinfluencers» and their impact on body perception and evaluation in young people and on the development of male vigorexia. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 29(57), 65–86. https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.26837
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Influencers, gender representations, Gender stereotypes, body cult, Physical appearance, Youtube

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