‘If I don’t show my body now, when will I?’ Corporeality and objectification through influencers on Instagram



Published 16-12-2024
Nerea Cuenca Orellana
Sonia Dueñas Mohedas
Natalia Martínez Pérez


This article examines the use of Instagram and its impact on body image formation in adolescent girls. First, it explores the representations and discourses of gender promoted by the platform to identify the strategies, both visual and linguistic, employed by the most prominent influencers. Through a structural-semiological analysis of the four most followed Instagram profiles in Spain by Generation Z, the study reveals how gender stereotypes and roles are presented, and reflects on the implications for the prevention of objectification and self-costification.

How to Cite

Cuenca Orellana, N., Dueñas Mohedas, S., & Martínez Pérez, N. (2024). ‘If I don’t show my body now, when will I?’ Corporeality and objectification through influencers on Instagram: . ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 29(57), 19–38. https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.26924
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social media, influencers, female body, Instagram, gender studies

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