Feminine Values and Stereotypes Created in the Graphic Advertising of Luxury Fashion Brands in Spain
Paloma Díaz Soloaga
Carlos Muñiz Muriel
This article presents the initial conclusions of research of the survey Stereotype and values created by graphic luxury brands in Spain. The number of studies of this type in our country and abroad is scarce, perhaps due to the consideration that fashion is a "minor phenomenon" within the ensemble of cultural expressions found in the mass media. The figures for the circulation and print run of women's magazines and weekly supplements remains steady in spite of the difficulties of the publishing sector, and there has been no let up in the investment by luxury brands in the press, which thus fund a medium that is highly efficient for their commercial aims. However, beyond its market function, advertising carries out a social and educational labour, as do the rest of the media contents. Acontent analysis was made of 290 graphic advertisements belonging to 97 luxury brands. The study reflects five different stereotypes of women present in advertising images.
How to Cite
Díaz Soloaga, P., & Muñiz Muriel, C. (2011). Feminine Values and Stereotypes Created in the Graphic Advertising of Luxury Fashion Brands in Spain. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 12(23). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.3644
(c) UPV/EHU Press