Teaching cyberjournalism: Towards a mixed transversality
Santiago Tejedor Calvo
The cyberjournalist must receive a specific training that goes beyond the educational aspects shared with the professionals of the radio, the television and the printed press. Starting out from the analysis of 109 subjects related to on-line journalism and the contribution of 42 teachers specialising in this sphere, research has been developed to determine the present state of cyberjournalism teaching in Spain. This article presents the results of this research, especially concerning the guidelines that define the characteristics of the study of on-line journalism; the objectives that, from the academic and professional areas, are considered to be a priority in the training of the cyberjournalist; and the most suitable type of curricular focus.
How to Cite
Tejedor Calvo, S. (2011). Teaching cyberjournalism: Towards a mixed transversality. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 11(21). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.3736
(c) UPV/EHU Press