Press and technological convergence: Keys to defining a new model of journalistic business in the Digital Age



Published 02-11-2011
Pedro Antonio Rojo Villada


At the start of the XXI century some newspapers are becoming experimental centres where there is a convergence of media: a platform of contents and news services, operating through structures more appropriate to multimedia companies than to printed newspaper companies. This means that in the Digital Age the newspaper companies will be working without distinction in areas such as printing newspapers, managing websites and broadcasting contents by radio, television and mobile devices. In fact, in many multimedia journalistic companies the journalists of the printed edition also work for the television or the radio or vice versa. Photographers work with photographic cameras and videos to capture images of events for the different formats and, in the editing office, the different media of the same company share the same space and even manage the same contents, adapting them to each of the formats. In the future, the journalistic brand name will move beyond the printed format to be distributed on numerous platforms.

How to Cite

Rojo Villada, P. A. (2011). Press and technological convergence: Keys to defining a new model of journalistic business in the Digital Age. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 11(20).
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