The language of enological criticism in the Spanish press: El País, El Semanal (Vocento) and Magazine (Godó-Prensa Iberica)
José Ignacio Armentia
José María Caminos
Flora Marín
Enological criticism is a variety of opinion journalism that is gradually becoming established in the Spanish press. Nevertheless, in comparison with other kinds of criticism of consumption (motoring, computers, travel, etc.), texts about wines do not usually provide real assistance to the reader when making a decision on whether or not to purchase the product. We usually encounter texts that are apologetic about the wine and that rarely contain any negative comment. On the other hand, the use of a highly specialised vocabulary with an imprecise use of adjectives raises serious doubts about the true usefulness of this type of criticism for the typical reader of the daily press.
How to Cite
Armentia, J. I., Caminos, J. M., & Marín, F. (2011). The language of enological criticism in the Spanish press: El País, El Semanal (Vocento) and Magazine (Godó-Prensa Iberica). ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 10(19).
(c) UPV/EHU Press