The television viewing habits of a foreign community: the case of Latin American students in Barcelona



Published 03-11-2011
Haydeé Chavero Núria García-Múñoz


Television viewing in foreign communities is a social phenomenon that allows us to understand certain audience behaviour patterns. The research presented in this article aims to explain the television viewing habits of the Latin American students located in Barcelona. Framed within the reception studies that give an active role to the audience, the study starts with a qualitative perspective and involves an empirical investigation on a group of Latin American foreigners and temporary residents in Barcelona. Surveys, in depth interviews and daily diaries are the techniques used to understand certain manifesttations of the behaviour of the "foreign audience" that play a relevant role in the communications process. The emotional archeology of the audience, as the concept that defines the habits and behaviour of the foreign consumer, is one the main contributions of this research.

How to Cite

Chavero, H., & García-Múñoz, N. (2011). The television viewing habits of a foreign community: the case of Latin American students in Barcelona. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 10(19).
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