The influence of somatic advertising models in male vigorexia: an experimental study in teenagers
Carlos Fanjul Peyró
Cristina González Oñate
The appearance and physical characteristics of the advertising models is a non-verbal aspect on commercial message that have social influences and can even affect certain perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of the receiver. The recent vigorexia psychopathology is a cause of somatic perception alterations with depressive and obsessive implications. Through his influence and social impact, the advertising of certain products and models represented there, they can influence the origin and development of this new pathology, especially in teenagers, as they are the main risk group.
How to Cite
Fanjul Peyró, C., & González Oñate, C. (2012). The influence of somatic advertising models in male vigorexia: an experimental study in teenagers. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 16(31).
(c) UPV/EHU Press