Modelos del ciberperiodismo gallego: de la definición a la consolidación en un nuevo entorno
The current paper focuses on the evolution of Galician ciberjournalism through its different editorial models from its birth in 1995. Through its seven years of existence, strong transformations in sector occured: technological, commercials, demographical and business ones. Results, nowadays, allows us to watch media looking for new formulae of profiting, but settled in a stable user environment and inserted in the structure of communication groups. Beside this, you can find different models, public and private ones, of intervention and management, according to the global trends in communication. Beside this, the academic corpus on ciberjournalism begins to have its own literature which allows to systematyze the own nature of this new communication channel. One of the first objectives is the search for a common definition for phenomena.
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(c) UPV/EHU Press