Peripheral Women: A contribution to teaching in Theories of Communication



Published 01-10-2012
María Teresa Vera Balanza


This paper proposes an epistemological contribution to adapt teaching to a professional training, to an acquisition of attitudinal abilities, and to the development of an egalitarian conscience.

The aim is to revise non hegemonic and non canonic discourses to systematize the election of teaching materials in the Theories of Communication course. We carry out a set of gradual stages: The observation, quantification and contextualization of female researchers that have contributed with their knowledge to the academic field of Communication Theories, through several analysis of this course handbooks, until the proposal of a specific itinerary that make possible to increase their contribution visibility in the communicational thinking.

How to Cite

Vera Balanza, M. T. (2012). Peripheral Women: A contribution to teaching in Theories of Communication. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 17(32).
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