Interactivity, Interaction and Accessibility in the Transmedia Museum



Published 21-07-2015
Isidro Moreno Sánchez


The research is centred on the multiple communications that arise between people and the transmedia museum. To examine this communication with audiences in greater depth, the interactions and interactivities that comprise it must be analysed. That is why the primary objective of the research is to create an analytical and productive model of the interactions and interactivities that come about or should come about in the transmedia museum. This narrative taxonomy classifies in order to arrange, categorize and reveal the museum's communicative achievements and deficiencies for the purpose of attaining full and accessible communication for all visitors.

How to Cite

Moreno Sánchez, I. (2015). Interactivity, Interaction and Accessibility in the Transmedia Museum. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(38).
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