Parodia Estatu Batuetako prime time-eko animaziozko komedian. Sitcom-aren kasua
Beatriz María Gómez Morales
Prime-time-eko Estatu Batuetako animaziozko komediaren egitura narratiboa beste genero eta formatoen parodian oinarritzen da, sitcom-arena bereziki. Testu-analisiaren bitartez, ikerketa honek sitcom-aren elementu narratiboak eraldatzeko animaziozko komediak erabiltzen dituen parodia-estrategiak aztertzen ditu: amaiera zoriontsuak, egitura ziklikoak, pertsonaia estereotipatuak eta aurregrabatutako barreak. Ikerketaren emaitza moduan, animaziozko komediek irudikatzen duten telebista-parodiak fikziozko eta entretenimendurako edukien inguruko hausnarketa eta errebisioa egiten duela ondorioztatu daiteke.
Nola aipatu
Gómez Morales, B. M. (2015). Parodia Estatu Batuetako prime time-eko animaziozko komedian. Sitcom-aren kasua. Zer - Komunikazio Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 20(39).
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BUTSCH, Richard (2005). Five decades and three hundred sitcoms about class and gender. En: EDGERTON, Gary R; ROSE, Brian G. (eds.). Thinking outside the box: a contemporary television genre reader. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, pp. 111-135.
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CRISELL, Andrew (2006). A study of modern television. Thinking inside the box. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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GÓMEZ MORALES, Beatriz (2014). La comedia animada de prime time en Estados Unidos. Un subgénero paródico, autorreflexivo e intertextual. En: Communication & Society /Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. 27, nº 1, pp. 127-142.
GORDILLO, Inmaculada (2009). Manual de narrativa televisiva. Madrid: Síntesis.
GRAY, Jonathan (2006). Watching with The Simpsons. Television, parody, and intertextuality. New York: Routledge.
HARRIES, Dan (2000). Film parody. London: BFI.
HUTCHEON, Linda (1985). A theory of parody: the teachings of twentieth-century art forms. New York: Methuen.
MARC, David (1997). Comic visions. Television comedy and American culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
MILLS, Brett (2005). Television Sitcom. London: BFI.
MINTZ, Larry (1985). Situation Comedy. En: ROSE, Brian G. (ed.). TV genres: a handbook and reference guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 107-129.
MITTELL, Jason (2004). Genre and television: from cop shows to cartoon in American culture. New York: Routledge.
NEALE, Steve; KRUTNIK, Frank (1990). Popular film and television comedy. London: Routledge.
SNOW, Dale; SNOW, James (2009). Los Simpsons y la política del sexo. En: IRWIN, William; CONARD, Mark T.; SKOBLE, Aeon J. (eds.). Los Simpsons y la filosofía. Barcelona: Blackie Books, pp. 175-199.
STABILE, Carol; HARRISON, Mark (eds.) (2003). Prime time animation: television animation and American culture. New York: Routledge.
TURNER, Chris (2004). Planet Simpson: how a cartoon masterpiece documented an era and defined a generation. London: Ebury Press.
WILLIAMS-RAUTIOLA, Suzanne (2006). Animated fathers: representation of masculinity in The Simpsons and King of the Hill. En: BUCHAN, Suzanne (ed.). Animated Worlds. Eastleigh: John Libbey, pp. 95-112.
BAJTÍN, Mijail (1987). La cultura popular en la Edad Media y en el Renacimiento. Madrid: Alianza.
BAJTÍN, Mijail (1989). Teoría y estética de la novela. Madrid: Taurus.
BOOKER, M. Keith (2006). Drawn to television: prime-time animation from The Flintstones to Family Guy. Westport, CT: Praeger.
BROWN, Les (1992). Les Brown's encyclopedia of television. Detroit: Gale Research.
BUTSCH, Richard (2005). Five decades and three hundred sitcoms about class and gender. En: EDGERTON, Gary R; ROSE, Brian G. (eds.). Thinking outside the box: a contemporary television genre reader. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, pp. 111-135.
CASETTI, Francesco; DI CHIO, Federico (1999). Análisis de la televisión. Instrumentos, métodos y prácticas de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós.
CRISELL, Andrew (2006). A study of modern television. Thinking inside the box. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
GENETTE, Gerard (1989a). Palimpsestos. La literatura en segundo grado. Madrid: Taurus.
GENETTE, Gerard (1989b). Figuras III. Barcelona: Lumen.
GÓMEZ MORALES, Beatriz (2014). La comedia animada de prime time en Estados Unidos. Un subgénero paródico, autorreflexivo e intertextual. En: Communication & Society /Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. 27, nº 1, pp. 127-142.
GORDILLO, Inmaculada (2009). Manual de narrativa televisiva. Madrid: Síntesis.
GRAY, Jonathan (2006). Watching with The Simpsons. Television, parody, and intertextuality. New York: Routledge.
HARRIES, Dan (2000). Film parody. London: BFI.
HUTCHEON, Linda (1985). A theory of parody: the teachings of twentieth-century art forms. New York: Methuen.
MARC, David (1997). Comic visions. Television comedy and American culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
MILLS, Brett (2005). Television Sitcom. London: BFI.
MINTZ, Larry (1985). Situation Comedy. En: ROSE, Brian G. (ed.). TV genres: a handbook and reference guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 107-129.
MITTELL, Jason (2004). Genre and television: from cop shows to cartoon in American culture. New York: Routledge.
NEALE, Steve; KRUTNIK, Frank (1990). Popular film and television comedy. London: Routledge.
SNOW, Dale; SNOW, James (2009). Los Simpsons y la política del sexo. En: IRWIN, William; CONARD, Mark T.; SKOBLE, Aeon J. (eds.). Los Simpsons y la filosofía. Barcelona: Blackie Books, pp. 175-199.
STABILE, Carol; HARRISON, Mark (eds.) (2003). Prime time animation: television animation and American culture. New York: Routledge.
TURNER, Chris (2004). Planet Simpson: how a cartoon masterpiece documented an era and defined a generation. London: Ebury Press.
WILLIAMS-RAUTIOLA, Suzanne (2006). Animated fathers: representation of masculinity in The Simpsons and King of the Hill. En: BUCHAN, Suzanne (ed.). Animated Worlds. Eastleigh: John Libbey, pp. 95-112.
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