Euskal Telebista, the Basque public television company: entertainment as a core factor for minority language audiovisual media.



Argitaratua 30-11-2022
Itziar Azpeitia Iruretagoiena


The television landscape is undergoing tremendous and rapid changes. In this context public broadcasters are having great difficulties to fulfil their commitment to the public they serve. This task is even harder for those entities related to minority cultures and languages. In this paper we identify some of the ways in which entertainment content can contribute to fulfilling the missions of these types of companies. We will mainly focus on the Basque Public TV, Euskal Telebista, but the results and conclusions drawn can be applied to other public service media companies of similar types, too.


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Azpeitia Iruretagoiena, I. (2022). Euskal Telebista, the Basque public television company: entertainment as a core factor for minority language audiovisual media. Zer - Komunikazio Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 27(53), 125–144.
Abstract 365 | pdf (Español) Downloads 225



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