Diagnosis of audiovisual information processing in local television archives. Case study in Cuba



Argitaratua 30-05-2023
Luis Ernesto Paz Enrique
Eduardo Alejandro Hernández Alfonso
Yusilka Martínez Veitía


The processing of audiovisual information on local television stations is an area that has been little addressed since scientific production. In the methodological order, there is a shortage of tools and instruments that allow diagnosing the processing of audiovisual information on local television. There are specific techniques and procedures that allow the processing of information, but which are limited to the traditional technical documentary processes: classification, cataloging, indexing and abstracting. Due to its characteristics, local television stations requires specific media and models that allow diagnosing the processing of audiovisual information from the materials they produce.

Nola aipatu

Paz Enrique, L. E., Hernández Alfonso, E. A., & Martínez Veitía, Y. (2023). Diagnosis of audiovisual information processing in local television archives. Case study in Cuba. Zer - Komunikazio Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 28(54), 141–159. https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.23899
Abstract 264 | pdf (English) Downloads 142


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