From the dissolution to recreation of community. A counterpoint between Max Weber and François Perroux.



Victoria Haidar


In The situation of agrarian workers at East of the Elbe's River. General Vision (1892) Max Weber analyses the crisis of the community of interests that relates junkers to peasants to find, in the project to build a nation, a remedy to dissolvent social trends. In Capitalism and labor community (1938) François Perroux tries to conjure the social question and to transform the State, inject a community dimension to the market. Both authors discuss the same vacuum of work organization, of an order that, relating workers and owners in common meanings, practices and relations, reduce the possibilities of conflicts. The focus of the article is on the common answer that Weber and Perroux offer to this problem, that is, the question of community. Different passages discuss qualities and functions attribute to community; its relation with the individual and the role conferred to the national community organized by the State, so to propose some conclusions.
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community, state, labour's organization

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