Unravelling the Basque and Catalan "Soberanist" Identities: a Social Network Analysis of the Twitter Hashtags #BasquesDecide and #Up4Freedom



Published 25-09-2015
Jordi Morales i Gras


The goal of this article is to identify and compare through Social Network Analysis' techniques some of the agents that significantly contribute to the formation process of the "soberanist" (i.e. secessionist, separatist) political identities in the Basque Country and in Catalonia. We will analyse as well the relations established among the participants of the debates under the hashtags #BasquesDecide and #Up4Freedom. As we will show, there are substantial differences between the communications established in Twitter under both hashtags in terms of user participation, the kind of users that hold greater levels of influence or power within the networks and the dynamics that configure their communities.
Abstract 872 | texto (Español) Downloads 417 discusión (Español) Downloads 125



Social Network Analysis, Twitter, Basque Country, Catalonia

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