"Where are you really from?" Notes on the social sciences and the "crisis of the homogenous society"



Published 10-11-2015
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso


Building on Alfonso Pérez-Agote's work on the formation and "crisis" of the "presumed homogeneity" of modern Western societies, this text questions the limits of the social sciences and, particularly, of hegemonic sociological frameworks to interpret this "crisis" and the related social change. More specifically, it interrogates the place of race in sociological thinking as a crucial analytical approach for challenging hegemonic narratives of modernity, of nation-state formation and the construction of the idea of Europe. It is argued that the understanding of the so-called current "crisis of multiculturalism" or "crisis of immigrant integration", requires giving centrality to the renewal of the racial contract as the political engineering of belonging to Europeanness.
Abstract 513 | texto (Español) Downloads 344



social sciences, Europe, homogeneity, race

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