Identifications and attachments: an intersection proposal to analyze the indie music of the city of La Plata (Argentina)
Ornela Boix
This paper examines the problem of musical identifications based on an ethnographic approach of the indie music in the Argentinian city of La Plata, through observations and interviews with a group of music labels. It critically reviews the literature that assumes a narrative approach and understands indie as a musical genre associated with middle classes youth. In this context, it criticizes the subcultural approaches, where indie is an ethos or an attitude, and the bourdieusian perspectives, for which indie is a resource of distinction. The article shows the limited scope of these analyses and proposes an intersection between the contemporary critique of the concept of identity and a perspective attentive to the attachments involved in music production. Thus, the article describes La Plata's indie music in its specific attachments: with the university, with the places of performance, with the new technologies, with the city, with the musical instruments. To conclude, it states that these elements must be incorporated into the study of musical identifications.
indie music, identifications, attachments, Argentina
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