Identity Marks, Desirable Social Attributes and Shared Phenotypes. An Analysis Based on Gamete Donation in Uruguay



Published 12-09-2018
Mariana Viera Cherro


The management of gametes —ovules and sperm— of donation for assisted human reproduction treatments involves the recruitment of people willing to give part of their biology or fertility, a selection to define those who actually enter the donation process, the development of a "clinical work" oriented to the production of that reproductive material and finally, the distribution of the gametes between people or receiving couples. The selection process that defines those who actually become donors, implies an assessment of the person and the gametes that can contribute. At stake in this assessment are attributes conceived in different ways —reproductive capacity, phenotypic characteristics, ethnic / racial characteristics, genetic, intellectual attributes, among others— that speak of the conception that society makes of biological material and of what is considered valuable for the reproduction of the society as a whole and for the establishment of a specific filial relationship. In this article, I analyze how these attributes are defined and which are privileged when managing social reproduction and the production of a specific filial social relationship. It is not about analyzing the management of reproductive donation material for assisted human reproduction technologies itself, but as a way to understand how Uruguayan society conceives the relationships between biology, identity, filiation and reproduction.
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assited reproduction, gametes, race, ethnicity, filiation, identity

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