Resistance from vulnerability: Narratives of sub-Saharan women about their transit to Europe



Published 20-03-2019
Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea


This aim of this text is to analyze the resistances developed by sub-Saharan women who flee their countries for persecution on the basis of gender violence and undertake the difficult, long and extremely violent path to Europe. Starting from the active dimension of vulnerability as capacity to act —agency— and therefore of resistance, the article explores —through Narrative Productions co-built with women living in the Basque Country (Spain)— how agency is not limited to the opposition of domination systems, but rather it can be deployed within them, through performing and inhabiting the dominant social norms in a heterogeneous way. In the current context, where the politics of removal, exclusion and violence extend by leaps and bounds of the social body, especially against women's bodies, these narratives break the vulnerability-agency dichotomy and emphasize how the context and social structures are key to enable or impede the autonomy and agency of women.
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resistance, vulnerability, sub-saharan women, agency

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