What Does a Cripple Body Laugh About? Humor Crip Policies



Published 28-09-2020
Jorge Fernández Gonzalo


In these pages we analyze how certain subjectivities configured outside normative discourses about how a body should be, feel or act can find in humor a key tool when establishing their own processes of identity construction or claim. Crip humor allows to establish a truce between different social actors: on the one hand, the so-called Social Justice Warriors, extreme defenders of the progressive values of the identity left, reviled on social networks for their censorship or ultraprotective attitudes; and, on the other hand, the aggressors themselves, who, from positions generally located in the right frame of the political panel (from more traditionalist groups to neoliberal groups), denigrate the identity policies or even the protagonists of them. The question is: how to give voice to these bodies, relocate them in the political scene, and how to produce formulas of exchange, dialogue and demand? One of these ways, as we try to demonstrate here, is humor.
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humor, crip theory, superiority, stand-up, obscene enjoyment

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