Dis/ability Studies: A Non-individualising Approach to Critically Explore the Production of the Disabled Body-subject



Published 28-09-2020
Laura Sanmiquel-Molinero


This paper aims to promote the dialogue between Spanish and Anglo-Saxon perspectives that are critical of individual models of disability. Also, the paper seeks to bridge these approaches and qualitative research. Specifically, I claim that Dis/ability Studies (D/aS) are a well-suited approach to ground this field of inquiry. This emergent perspective explores the "dis/ability complex" from an intersectional stance. That is, the way in which attributes linked to ability and disability are mutually constitutive, and simultaneously reproduced by disablism and ableism as well as other systems of social differentiation. This work advances twelve research questions that derive from D/aS and two of their theoretical foundations (poststructuralism and postconventionalism). Drawing on poststructuralism, I conceptualise disability as a foucaultian apparatus the ableist regime of intelligibility of which is shaped by individual models of disability. On the other hand, postconventional theories such as posthumanism and theories of affect allow us to explore the material and affective assemblages that corporealise the disabled subject, reproducing and/or subverting the disability apparatus. I conclude by pointing out that ‘ableism’ and ‘disablism’ can further the debate between theoretical and activist fields beyond ‘disability’.

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disability, disablism, ableism, intersectionality, dis/ability studies

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