Presentation. Disability beyond narrative: abject bodies in social life and contemporary culture



Published 28-09-2020
Melania Moscoso Pérez


This text presents the special issue entitled “Crip policies: identity, abject bodies and disability” of Papeles del CEIC. In the text we make a public presentation of the cultural model of disability that emerged during the 90s’ in the United States with the consolidation of Disability Studies and of which Robert McRuer’s crip theory is a variant. The text also suggests some alternative ways to avoid the dissolution of disability into narrative that always lurks behind reconstructive approaches. Along with Robert McRuer’s work that is presented in the Fundamental section, the issue gathers contributions by Laura Sanmiquel-Molinero; Andrea García-Santesmases Fernández; Salvador Cayuela Sánchez; María Pia Venturiello, Carmuca Gómez Bueno and María Teresa Martín Palomo; Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena; Luisina Castelli Rodríguez; and, Jorge Fernández Gonzalo. Two critical papers by Carlos García Grados and Rachael Nebraska Lynch complete this issue.
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disability, disability studies, crip theory, abjection

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