Strategic Secularism. A Semiotics of Catholic Relevance in the Public Space



Published 25-03-2022
Monica Cornejo-Valle
Maribel Blázquez-Rodríguez


This article explores the use of Madrid’s urban public space for the vindication of Catholic identity and agenda, in line with the Catholic moral project called New Evangelization proposed by Benedict XVI in 2010. To this end, the text is based on the empirical analysis of three different events, led by Catholic activists, who put into play and question the (in)visibility of Catholic identity, while questioning the classic religious/secular and public/private dichotomies. The semiotic analysis of these three cases reveals, on the one hand, the coherence between different styles of religious presence in the urban space, which enables this project to implement its confessional agenda through the use of secular media. On the other hand, the article also proposes a theoretical approach that collects the critical heritage of the notion of strategic secularism proposed by Vaggione, but reconsidered within the framework of a semiotics of relevance developed by Engelke, understood as a perspective that accounts for the strategic use of signs and their meanings to build the presence and social value of the Catholic moral project.

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secularism, catholic identity, catholicism, Spain, public space

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