Perpetrators of mass crimes in the light of the image. Introduction



Published 05-10-2021
Vicente Sánchez-Biosca Lior Zylberman


This text presents the monographic issue “Perpetrators of mass crimes and image. Looks, identities, testimonies”. The issue is framed within “perpetrator studies”, a field of research that has consolidated in recent years. The issue aims to reflect on the image; in other words, to offer a contribution to the field of study based on the analysis of images. Likewise, the monograph wants to contribute to the debate on the subject from, and based on cases from, Ibero-America. The issue features contributions by Mariana Giordano, Lior Zylberman and Adriana Taboada, Eyleen Faure Bascur, Vicente Sanchez-Biosca, Eduardo Morettin, Marcos Napolitano and Fernando Seliprandy, to which are added —in the Critical Papers section— the works of Mariana Wikinski, Juanjo Monsell and Violeta Ros, as well as an online exhibition by Guatemalan photographer Daniel Hernandez-Salazar.

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image, cinema, violence, genocide, perpetrators

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