The Digitalization of Contemporary Life: Knowledge, Power and Subjectivation as ways of access to the Digital Experience



Published 27-03-2023
Marco Maureira-Velásquez
Diego González-García


This work argues that one of the fundamental characteristics that define our contemporary age is the digitization of life. To explain this digitization process, we will use a conceptual device of great importance in the last period of Foucault’s intellectual production: experience. We will argue that the digital experience to which we are confronted nowadays —for example, in the advent of biometrics— is defined by the interaction of three simultaneous dimensions: a knowledge formation matrix (cybernetic-digital), a behavior standardization matrix (executed as algorithmic governmentality) and a matrix for subjectivation processes, in which the contemporary subject is paradoxically questioned for being more and less than an individual. Furthermore, we incorporate the notion of mode of existence of the technical object developed by Gilbert Simondon, to conclude that technology can become a fourth way of access to the digital experience that characterizes the evolution of our societies.

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experiencia, digitalización, gubernamentalidad algorítmica, subjetivación

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