Moral projects and new religious subjectivities in the public space. Introduction



Published 25-03-2022
Monica Cornejo-Valle
Mar Griera


This text presents the special issue entitled “Moral projects and new religious subjectivities in the public space”. In the special issue we want to address the emergence of new religious subjectivities in the public space, relating it with what sociologist José Casanova identified as the process of de-privatization of religion. The current visibility of old and new religious subjectivities undermines the appearance of secularity and favors the growth of performative forms of expression of religion in urban space. This is neither a uniform nor a homogeneous phenomenon. We refer to public performances such as the following: the organization of sikh or hindu processions by the diasporas in most cities of the world, the organization of catholic anti-abortion marches on certain dates, the organization of public meditations for peace simultaneously in different cities, public initiatives for apostasy, the organization of large evangelical events in public spaces, or the celebration of mass gatherings following the visit of religious leaders such as the Pope of Rome or the Dalai Lama in certain cities. After the text by Judit Bokster Liwerant in the Fundamentales section, the issue includes contributions by Víctor Albert Blanco, Mónica Cornejo-Valle and Maribel Blázquez-Rodríguez, Joseba García Martín, Carolina Esteso and Borja Martín-Andino, Miquel Fernández González, and Sibila Vigna. In addition, in the Papeles Críticos section, texts by José Barrera Blanco, Rosa Martínez-Cuadros, and Josep Roca Guerrero are published.

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religious identities, public space, religious diversity

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