Here's no place to live! The Electoral Success of the Empty Spain Candidatures
Maria Delgado-García
The present article approaches, from an electoralist point of view, an issue in full swing: the emptied Spain. We took Teruel Existe! and Soria Ya! as a case selection, being these the only candidacies of the Plataforma de la España Vaciada (Emptied Spain Platform) that have achieved parliamentary representation. Adopting an exploratory perspective, we try to find out what were the factors at the municipal level that influenced the success of the Candidatures of Empty Spain (CEV). To address this question, we adopted a combined methodology. First, we performed a cluster analysis that allows us to classify the municipalities according to their nature. Secondly, using a linear regression model we explore which of these characteristics influenced the electoral performance of the CEVs. The results show that the success of these formations is found in municipalities close to provincial capitals, with a larger than average size and with a reduced presence of unemployed. However, the factor that shows to have the greatest weight in all the work was the holding of political events at the time of the electoral campaign.
political geography, depopulation, territorial inequality, cluster analysis , rural-urban divide
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