Care and Identity



Published 27-10-2023
María Teresa Martín Palomo
Patricia Paperman


The text presents a reflection on the relationship between care and identity based on four threads of conversation that stress both the notion of identity and the relationship between identity and care: (a) thinking about the processes of categorization, recognition, the way of naming, and who takes the floor; (b) the uses of the notion of identity in the singular, considered as a simplification, and in the plural, which makes the notion of identity more complex, especially if taken in a temporal perspective; (c) the conception of identity as an anthropomorphic category that is questioned in a posthumanist perspective; and, (d) the power that the State has to attribute identity as belonging, to grant certain roles in order to be part of it. In summary, in order to contribute to the reflection on identity, it would be interesting to think about some of the proposals of the discussion raised, how to get out of the anthropomorphic and timeless view of identity, or about the challenge of thinking about identity when it comes to people who do not have a clear notion of self (e.g., certain situations of functional diversity).

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care, identity, interdependencies

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Inherited Identity