Papeles del CEIC 2019-2. September

Monographic issue about Inclinated identity forms, coordinated by Oihana Garro y Olaia Miranda, with a text by Adriana Cavarero in the "Fundamental" section, and the contributions by Oihana Garro and Olaia Miranda; Jaime Cuenca and Nerea Ayerbe; Begonya Sáez; and Beatriz Cavia. In Research Articles section the number counts with works by María Soledad Catoggio, Valentina Salvi, Desirée de Lemos Azevedo and Guillermina Esposito.


Published: 30-09-2019


Presentation. Forms of inclined identity: spaces, images and mediations

Oihana Garro Larrañaga, Olaia Miranda Berasategi
Abstract 1159 | texto (Español) Downloads 350 | DOI

Page presentación


Unbalanced inclinations

Adriana Cavarero
Abstract 1938 | texto (Español) Downloads 1577 | DOI

Page papel 211

Single Topic Issues

Research Articles

Critical papers