Dominique Dufau (1880-1956) notario senpertarraren testu juridikoak euskaraz: lexikoa eta itzultze-lana



Argitaratua 2009-04-16
Andrés Urrutia Badiola


Few juridic texts are known in the Basque languague's history. They have an strong interest, both for the linguists as for the lawyers. In the same way they are a truthful tool to know the Basque strategies for the expression of the law and contract spaces. In this way, the text remembers Dominique Dufau (1880-1956) public notary, "Euskaltzaleen Biltzarra" society's treasurer and Basque writer. His command of the Basque language and of the fine notarial technique give us a powerful comprehension of two legal documents that he translated into Basque during the 1927 and 1930 years. In this article are included both linguistical and legal topics, in a way to show the use of Basque as an official language for French notarial documents. The article includes too a brief terminological list with French and Basque legal terms.

Nola aipatu

Urrutia Badiola, Andrés. 2009. «Dominique Dufau (1880-1956) Notario Senpertarraren Testu Juridikoak Euskaraz: Lexikoa Eta Itzultze-Lana». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 43 (1-2):909-50.
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