Peru Abarca-ren kopiak eta lehen edizioa
Xabier Altzibar
This paper tries to contribute to a critical edition of Peru Abarca, necessary since the editions nowadays available are based on the first one, which came out about 80 years after the death of the author and containing quite a mistakes. For that purpose, we have collected ten copies made in the nineteenth century, and studied their nature. We have also compared the first edition (1881) whit the manuscript. As a result, we think that some copies and the first edition give us some profitable criteria for making a good edition: they have as a base the manuscript but they are not simple copies of it but an essay to improve in some ways the text of the author. For instance, the first edition corrects some mistakes and complets the spaces unfilled in the manuscript. Furthermore, it is an essay to adapt the graphies of the autor to the uses at that time or modernise them.
Nola aipatu
Altzibar, Xabier. 1990. «Peru Abarca-Ren Kopiak Eta Lehen Edizioa». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 24 (3):871-87.
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