Preguntas múltiples en euskera



Argitaratua 2004-04-07
Lara Reglero


This paper evaluates Bošković's (1999) proposal with respect to question formation in Basque. This language allows two strategies to ask a question such as «who bought what?». One possibility is that one wh-phrase fronts and the other stays in situ. The other possibility is that both wh-phrases move overtly to the front of the sentence. Regardless of the strategy employed, Superiority effects always show up in this language. The present study is the first attempt to offer an account of the mechanisms underlying multiple questions formation in Basque. Previous research (Ortiz de Urbina 1995, 1999) has found that wh-words in Basque behave very similarly to elements bearing focus. However, there are no detailed studies dealing with multiple question formation in this language. This paper offers an analysis of multiple questions in Basque which will help us gain understanding of the nature of «wh»-movement in this language.

Nola aipatu

Reglero, Lara. 2004. «Preguntas Múltiples En Euskera». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 38 (1):249-85.
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