Comparative study of the manuscripts of Mikoleta and Sainthill



Published 17-12-2021
Irune Ibarra
Bittor Hidalgo Eizagirre


The purpose of this article is to identify the material author of the document called Modo Breve, dated in 1653. Heretofore its writing has been attributed to its intellectual author Rafael Mikoleta. However, the recent examination of a manuscript by the Englishman Mr. Samuel Sainthill has led to increasing doubts about its material authorship. To the end of establishing the material authorship of the text, a comparative study is performed through the graphonomic method used in graphoscopy, meaning that the shape of the letters, the general features of the writing, and the type-gestures have received a close step-by-step scrutiny. As a main conclusion, it can be asserted that the features of the manuscript of 1653 are similar to those of Sainthill's writing, and not to those of Mikoleta. Further ways are proposed to continue investigating these findings.

How to Cite

Ibarra, Irune, and Bittor Hidalgo Eizagirre. 2021. “Comparative Study of the Manuscripts of Mikoleta and Sainthill”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 54 (1-2):177-223.
Abstract 471 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 215


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