"Omen" partikularen erabilera eta gaztelaniazko ordainak: Anjel Lertxundiren kasua



Publicado 15-09-2018
Karlos Cid Abasolo


The Basque evidential particle omen is very interesting for bascologists (Basque linguists) and Basque translators. For linguists, due to the fact that the two neighboring languages (Spanish and French) lack a similar particle, and for translators, because this fact makes it difficult to properly translate omen to these two languages. This article analyzes, on the one hand, how Basque writer Anjel Lertxundi uses this particle in two of his novels (Etxeko hautsa 'Dirty Laundry' and Zu 'You'), and on the other hand, how it has been translated into Spanish in the translation of these novels. In this regard, we have realized that translators Jorge Giménez Bech and Gerardo Markuleta use more than one translation strategies. The third objective of this work is to determine the reason for the selection of each of such strategies.

Cómo citar

Cid Abasolo, Karlos. 2018. «"Omen" Partikularen Erabilera Eta Gaztelaniazko Ordainak: Anjel Lertxundiren Kasua». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 52 (1/2):153-73. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.20196.
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