The management of scientific and technical knowledge at the university: a case report and a draft
In present times, universities face increasing financial needs, while, according to a common standard of judgement, the public administration’s contributions should be decreasing. On the other hand, some researchers point out that universities are loosing positions as central institutions of the generation of knowledge. Knowledge is being considered as a key resource in competition, attracting increasingly the attention of companies and governments.
Under these circumstances we suggest that university research, in collaboration with private companies and public institutions, should focus on the practical application of scientific and technical knowledge, as shown by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff’s «triple helix» model.
Furthermore, this paper addresses the University of the Basque Country’s management of scientific and technical knowledge, as well as the description of a current project in this context.
How to Cite
knowledge management, university-private company relationship, innovation
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