Detecting key actors in interorganizational networks
Interorganizational network structure can be modified by the actions of key actors. This paper presents a set of strategies for detecting those actors through Social Network Analysis. To that end the potential of centrality measures, the Key Player Problem and the power of graphic visualization for identifying such actors and determining their ability to generate changes in network structures are introduced. To test the hypothesis under study five interorganizational networks made up of 32 cultural organizations are analyzed. Four types of key player are identified: (a) central actors; (b) intermediary actors; (c) disseminators; and (d) brokers. Each type has a distinct ability to influence network structures. The Structural Social Capital (SSC) in networks is examined in order to identify the elements that characterize each type of key actor. To that end, structural hole measures are evaluated. Two multiple regression models are developed to learn what factors influence SSC. Results show centrality and brokerage have positive impacts on SSC while density and constraint have negative effects. Finally the potential of each group of key actors for implementing strategies focused on optimizing inter-organizational networks is discussed.
How to Cite
Broker, interorganizational networks, key player, structural holes, structural social capital, social network analysis
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