Innovation in retail: influence of ICT and its impact on customer satisfaction



Published 18-09-2018
Antonio Marín García Irene Gil Saura


Traditionally, the literature has defined "innovation" as an aspect necessary for economic and competitive development of companies and / or industries. It has been considered a decisive factor for wealth creation and growth of economies. This paper intends to carry out an approach to the concept of "innovation in retailing", identifying its nature and scope, and defining associations with traditional variables in marketing research such as the benefits and costs of the relationship, consumer perceived satisfaction and loyalty towards the establish­ment. A theoretical model is proposed and investigated through an empirical study conducted on a sample of 300consumers , customers of two retail food establishments, ranked supermarkets and hypermarkets. For the analysis of the data obtained and in order to estimate the structural model, use was made of the technique of partial least squares regression (PLS) and the software used was Smart PLS (version 3.0). The analysis of the results demonstrates the relationship between ICT and innovation in retail, and of the latter with the benefits / sacrifices effect chain of the relationship, and satisfaction. Additionally, the outcomes of the study also confirm the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty towards the establishment.­

How to Cite

Marín García, A., & Gil Saura, I. (2018). Innovation in retail: influence of ICT and its impact on customer satisfaction. Cuadernos De Gestión, 17(2), 109–134.
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Innovation in retail, ICT, perceived benefits, sacrifices and costs, satisfaction, loyalty

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