Human Capital information: generating intangibles and social responsibility
Francisca Tejedo Romero
J oaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de Araújo
Intangible resources have become the most important in the process of generating business' wealth in a sustainable way, namely the Human Capital. However, the success and survival of the companies is subject to the approval of its stakeholders. This means that companies take steps to ensure that their actions are perceived as legitimate, and one way is by providing voluntary information. Therefore, under the framework of the Theory of Legitimacy and Stakeholders, our goal is to analyze how Spanish companies are voluntarily reporting on its Human Capital in annual reports, information about the generation of intangibles (knowledge) and social res¬ponsibility. Thus, using the methodology of content analysis, the empirical evidence shows that companies are reporting relatively little information on topics related to Human Capital being the topics related to training and development of employees the most disclosure. However, with regard to social responsibility, there is a rising trend to provide information concerning the policy of equality and diversity, risk prevention and the relationship between employers and employees.
How to Cite
Tejedo Romero, F., & Ferraz Esteves de Araújo, J. oaquim F. (2018). Human Capital information: generating intangibles and social responsibility. Cuadernos De Gestión, 16(1), 125–144.
Human Capital, knowledge, social responsibility, disclosure, annual reports, content analysis
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Aguilera-Caracuel, J., Delgado-Márquez, B. L., and Vidal-Salazar, M. D., 2014. Influencia de la internacionalización en el desempeño social de las empresas. Cuadernos de Gestión, 14 (2), 15-32.
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Gray, R.; Kouhy, R. and Lavers, S., 1995. Corporate social and environmental reporting: A review of the literature and a longitudinal study of UK disclosure. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 8 (2), 47-77.
Guthrie, J.; Petty, R. and Ricceri, F., 2006. The voluntary reporting of intellectual capital: Comparing evidence from Hong Kong and Australia. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 7 (2), 254-271.
Hagemeister, M., and Lertxundi Lertxundi, A., 2007. Las estrategias de la gestión internacional: el conocimiento como componente clave para su clasificación. Cuadernos de Gestión, 7 (2), 29-37.
Herrera Madueño, J., Larrán Jorge, M. and Martínez-Martínez, D., 2013. Relación entre responsabilidad social y performance en las pequeñas y medianas empresas: Revisión bibliográfica. Cuadernos de Gestión, 13 (2), 39-65.
Holder, L.; Cohen, J. R.; Nath, L. and Wood, D., 2009. The supply of corporate social responsibility disclosures among U.S. firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 84 (4), 497-527.
Jindal, S. and Kumar, M., 2012. The determinants of HC disclosures of Indian firms. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 13 (2), 221-247.
Khan, H. and Khan, R., 2010. Human capital disclosure practices of top Bangladeshi companies. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 14 (4), 329-349.
Kolk, A. and Pinkse, J., 2010. The integration of corporate governance in corporate social responsibility disclosures. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 17 (1), 15-26.
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Marston, C. L. and Shrives, P. J., 1991. The use of disclosure indices in accounting research: a review article. The British Accounting Review, 23(3), 195-210.
Nieto, M., 2008. La difusión de las prácticas de responsabilidad social en las empresas multinacionales. Pecvnia, Monográfico, 33-64.
OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001) OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001: Towards a Knowledge-based Economy. Paris, OECD Publishing.
Patten, D. M., 1991. Exposure, legitimacy, and social disclosure. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 10 (4), 297-308.
Rodríguez, A. and Hagemeister, M., 2007. Un marco para la evaluación de los factores críticos en el proceso de adopción de I+ D externa. Revista Cuadernos de Gestión, 7 (1), 65-81.
Roos, J.; Dragonetti, N. C.; Roos, G. and Edvinsson, L., 2001. Capital intelectual: el valor intangible de la empresa. Barcelona: Paídos Ibérica, SA.
Saldarriaga, J. G., 2013. responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana. Estudios gerenciales, 29, 110-117.
Spitzeck, H., 2011. An integrated model of humanistic management. Journal of Business Ethics, 99 (1), 51-62.
Suchman, M. C., 1995. Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches. Academy of Management Review, 20 (3), 571-610.
Sveiby, K. E., 1997. The New Organizational Wealth: Managing & Measuring Knowledge-based Assets. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Tejedo, F., 2013. Estrategia de comunicación corporativa de las empresas socialmente responsables: análisis del Capital Relacional como base de las relaciones empresa-stakeholders. Zer-Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 18 (35), 191-213.
Van der Laan, J.; Adhikari, A. and Tondkar, R. H., 2005. Exploring differences in social disclosures internationally: A stakeholder perspective. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 24 (2), 123-151.
Vázquez Oteo, O., 2014. La responsabilidad Social Corporativa en las memorias anuales de las empresas del IBEX 35. Análisis del ejercicio 2012. Observatorio de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Madrid.
Villafañe, J., 2005. La gestión de los intangibles empresariales. Comunicação e Sociedade, 8, 101-113.
Vuontisjärvi, T., 2006. Corporate social reporting in the European context and human resource disclosures: An analysis of finnish companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 69 (4), 331-354.
Wooldridge, J. M., 2006. Introducción a la econometría: un enfoque moderno. Madrid: Paraninfo.
Abhayawansa, S. and Abeysekera, I., 2008. An explanation of human capital disclosure from the resource-based perspective. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 12 (1), 51-64.
Aguilera-Caracuel, J., Delgado-Márquez, B. L., and Vidal-Salazar, M. D., 2014. Influencia de la internacionalización en el desempeño social de las empresas. Cuadernos de Gestión, 14 (2), 15-32.
Beattie, V. and Thomson, S., 2007. Lifting the lid on the use of content analysis to investigate intellectual capital disclosures. Accounting Forum, 31 (2), 129-163.
Beretta, S. and Bozzolan, S., 2008. Quality versus quantity: the case of forward-looking disclosure. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 23(3), 333-376.
Bontis, N., 2001. Assessing knowledge assets: a review of the models used to measure intellectual capital. International Journal of Management Reviews, 3 (1), 41-60.
Botosan, C. A., 1997. Disclosure level and the cost of equity capital. Accounting review, 323-349.
Brooking, A., 1996. Intellectual Capital. London: International Thomson Business Press.
Camões, P. J., 2012. O Design de Investigação. En: Silvestre, H. and Araújo, J., eds., Metodologia para a investigação social, Lisboa, Escolar Editora, 103-120.
CE, Comisión Europea, 2001. Libro verde: Fomentar un marco europeo para la responsabilidad social de las empresas. Luxemburgo, Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas, Documentos COM(2001)366 final.
Costa, D., 2012. A recolha de dados: técnicas utilizadas. En: Silvestre, H. and Araújo, J. eds., Metodologia para a investigação social. Lisboa: Escolar Editora, 141-170.
Deegan, C., 2002. The legitimising effect of social and environmental disclosures-A theoretical foundation. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 15 (3), 282-311.
Dragonetti, N. C. and Roos, G., 1998. La evaluación de Ausindustry y el business network programme: una perspectiva desde el capital intelectual. Boletín de estudios económicos,53(164), 265-280.
Edvinsson, L. and Malone, M. S., 1999. El capital intelectual: Cómo identificar y calcular el valor de los recursos intangibles de su empresa. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Engle, R. L., 2007. Corporate social responsibility in host countries: a perspective from American managers. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 14 (1), 16-27.
Freeman, R. E., 1984. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: MA, Pitman Publishing.
Friedman, M., 1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine, 32-33.
Gamerschlag, R., 2013. Value relevance of human capital information. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 14 (2), 325-345.
Gelb, D. S. and Strawser, J. A., 2001. Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Disclosures: An Alternative Explanation for Increased Disclosure. Journal of Business Ethics, 33 (1), 1-13.
Giner Inchausti, B., 1995. La divulgación de información financiera: una investigación empírica. Madrid: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Goh, P. C. and Lim, K. P., 2004. Disclosing intellectual capital in company annual reports: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5 (3), 500-510.
Gray, R.; Kouhy, R. and Lavers, S., 1995. Corporate social and environmental reporting: A review of the literature and a longitudinal study of UK disclosure. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 8 (2), 47-77.
Guthrie, J.; Petty, R. and Ricceri, F., 2006. The voluntary reporting of intellectual capital: Comparing evidence from Hong Kong and Australia. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 7 (2), 254-271.
Hagemeister, M., and Lertxundi Lertxundi, A., 2007. Las estrategias de la gestión internacional: el conocimiento como componente clave para su clasificación. Cuadernos de Gestión, 7 (2), 29-37.
Herrera Madueño, J., Larrán Jorge, M. and Martínez-Martínez, D., 2013. Relación entre responsabilidad social y performance en las pequeñas y medianas empresas: Revisión bibliográfica. Cuadernos de Gestión, 13 (2), 39-65.
Holder, L.; Cohen, J. R.; Nath, L. and Wood, D., 2009. The supply of corporate social responsibility disclosures among U.S. firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 84 (4), 497-527.
Jindal, S. and Kumar, M., 2012. The determinants of HC disclosures of Indian firms. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 13 (2), 221-247.
Khan, H. and Khan, R., 2010. Human capital disclosure practices of top Bangladeshi companies. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 14 (4), 329-349.
Kolk, A. and Pinkse, J., 2010. The integration of corporate governance in corporate social responsibility disclosures. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 17 (1), 15-26.
Krippendorff, K., 2004. Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. California: Sage Publications, Inc.
Lev, B., 2003. Intangibles: Medición, gestión e información. Bilbao: Ediciones Deusto.
Levin, R. I. and Rubin, D. S., 2004. Estadística para administración y economía. México: Pearson Educación.
Marston, C. L. and Shrives, P. J., 1991. The use of disclosure indices in accounting research: a review article. The British Accounting Review, 23(3), 195-210.
Nieto, M., 2008. La difusión de las prácticas de responsabilidad social en las empresas multinacionales. Pecvnia, Monográfico, 33-64.
OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001) OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001: Towards a Knowledge-based Economy. Paris, OECD Publishing.
Patten, D. M., 1991. Exposure, legitimacy, and social disclosure. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 10 (4), 297-308.
Rodríguez, A. and Hagemeister, M., 2007. Un marco para la evaluación de los factores críticos en el proceso de adopción de I+ D externa. Revista Cuadernos de Gestión, 7 (1), 65-81.
Roos, J.; Dragonetti, N. C.; Roos, G. and Edvinsson, L., 2001. Capital intelectual: el valor intangible de la empresa. Barcelona: Paídos Ibérica, SA.
Saldarriaga, J. G., 2013. responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana. Estudios gerenciales, 29, 110-117.
Spitzeck, H., 2011. An integrated model of humanistic management. Journal of Business Ethics, 99 (1), 51-62.
Suchman, M. C., 1995. Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches. Academy of Management Review, 20 (3), 571-610.
Sveiby, K. E., 1997. The New Organizational Wealth: Managing & Measuring Knowledge-based Assets. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Tejedo, F., 2013. Estrategia de comunicación corporativa de las empresas socialmente responsables: análisis del Capital Relacional como base de las relaciones empresa-stakeholders. Zer-Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 18 (35), 191-213.
Van der Laan, J.; Adhikari, A. and Tondkar, R. H., 2005. Exploring differences in social disclosures internationally: A stakeholder perspective. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 24 (2), 123-151.
Vázquez Oteo, O., 2014. La responsabilidad Social Corporativa en las memorias anuales de las empresas del IBEX 35. Análisis del ejercicio 2012. Observatorio de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Madrid.
Villafañe, J., 2005. La gestión de los intangibles empresariales. Comunicação e Sociedade, 8, 101-113.
Vuontisjärvi, T., 2006. Corporate social reporting in the European context and human resource disclosures: An analysis of finnish companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 69 (4), 331-354.
Wooldridge, J. M., 2006. Introducción a la econometría: un enfoque moderno. Madrid: Paraninfo.
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