Using fuzzy logic in selecting people and ideas to participate in public programs of support to business start-ups



Published 18-09-2018
Jokin Cearra Mendialdua Pedro María Orizaola Iniesta Mariano Jiménez López


In this paper we propose a fuzzy control model that can help to choose and filter the application for grants in business start-up programs run by public institutions. We think that using fuzzy logic has advantages over regu-lar procedures since we move into a complex and vague stage of performance. Fuzzy control introduces expert knowledge in a very natural way, it uses linguistic variables and inference processes that are characteristic of ordinary language, which facilitates decision-making in complex situations. Our model considers on the one hand the business idea and on the other the person as entrepreneur. Indicators and criteria that experts consider rel-evant to the evaluation of the grant are modeled as linguistic variables and treated as antecedent and consequent of a fuzzy inference engine, whose output provides the final assessment of the application. At the end of our paper we solve a simple case study to clarify the procedure.

How to Cite

Cearra Mendialdua, J., Orizaola Iniesta, P. M., & Jiménez López, M. (2018). Using fuzzy logic in selecting people and ideas to participate in public programs of support to business start-ups. Cuadernos De Gestión, 14(2), 73–98.
Abstract 135 | PDF (Español) Downloads 104



Business idea, fuzzy logic, fuzzy control, starting a business, grants

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