Origins, determinant factors and outcomes of a successful collaborative process among competitors and other actors: the cluster of Basque Haute Cuisine
The Basque Country is internationally famed for its cuisine and chefs. It is the geographical place of the world with more Michelin stars per square meter. This great reputation impacts positively on the entire gastronomic industry (restaurants and so on) and on the touristic image of the Basque Country and has been achieved due to the sustained efforts of an initial group of chefs, followed by others, that made and still make major efforts to collaborate and, at the same time, compete with each other (as a clear example of coopetition). The analysis of the relationship between these basque chefs and their environment, allows us to identify a cluster, which is currently in phase of maturity with a promising future and has yielded significant benefits to that industry in general, each of its members in particular and to the region as a whole especially in terms of innovation, notoriety and reputation.
This paper is one of the main results of a cooperation agreement between the "Institute of Applied Economics to Business" (University of the Basque Country) and "Innobasque" (The Basque Agency for Innovation), in which the latter fixed the research objectives and the methodology. So the main methodology we used in order to develop this paper, in addition to the review of the relevant literature, was a qualitative one. We did seven indepth interviews to the chefs founders and patrons of Basque Culinary Center (the first University in Europe on Gourmet Studies).
How to Cite
Coopetition, Cluster, Strategic Marketing, Turistic Marketing
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