Innovative activity sources and its relation with the innovative performance



Published 18-09-2018
Ana María Serrano Bedia Concepción López Fernández Gema García Piqueres


The paper studies the effect of innovative activities sources on innovation performance. For the empirical study we use data from the Encuesta sobre Innovación Tecnológica de las Empresas for the year 2007. The results suggest that the use of only one innovation activity source (internal or external) has a negative effect on innovation performance and that the best innovative performance is obtained when different innovation activities sources are combined. Finally, internal&external, only external and internal&external&cooperation are the innovative activities sources less dependent on the innovative performance measure.

How to Cite

Serrano Bedia, A. M., López Fernández, C., & García Piqueres, G. (2018). Innovative activity sources and its relation with the innovative performance. Cuadernos De Gestión, 13(1), 69–94.
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Innovation activity sources, innovation performance, firms active in innovation

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