The challenge of quality for Social Third Sector. Cases analysis of EFQM model implementation



Published 18-09-2018
Emma Juaneda Ayensa María Leonor González Menorca Carmen Marcuello Servós


Nowadays, the difficulties of the Governments to maintain the Welfare Systems have promoted the private management in the welfare services sector. The Third Sector organizations, as welfare services suppliers, have to adapt to the changing social demands and try to encourage their participation in the system configuration but being able to demonstrate the efficiency with which they operate. Faced with this challenge, Quality Management Systems offer an opportunity for the Third Sector Organizations, although with some reluctance due to the industrial origin of the model.

The main aim of this work is to study the implementation process of a Total Quality Management system in the Third Social Sector organizations. Our research has been done through the analysis of multiple cases, selecting four organizations in different stages of quality management implementation. The data analysis was done using qualitative analysis software ATLAS.ti and for the evaluation of each case was done following the EFQM assessment system software to analyze the different elements of the model enablers. The main results are the relevant meaning of alliance development, the user focus as well as the person focus, elements system which the organizations consider as key issues. This research work shows the process for four organizations but suggest the necessity to research deeply about relationship among the enablers as well as a causal analysis as future lines.

How to Cite

Juaneda Ayensa, E., González Menorca, M. L., & Marcuello Servós, C. (2018). The challenge of quality for Social Third Sector. Cases analysis of EFQM model implementation. Cuadernos De Gestión, 13(2), 111–126.
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Total Quality Management Systems, EFQM Model, Third Sector Organizations, Social Services, Cases Analysis

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