Differential characteristics of the spanish companies in the social responsibility index



Published 17-09-2013
María José Charlo Molina Ismael Moya Clemente Ana María Muñoz Rubio


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) researchers focus on the performance of the firms indexed in their field, and they reach different conclusions. This paper analyses if there are differences in financial performance of companies considered as highly socially responsible (those that compose the Spanish sustainability iindex FTSE4Good IBEX) as well as other IBEX companies not included in that index. We theoretically examine the relationship between a firm responsible behaviour and its financial performance. We also make an empirical study to analyse this relationship. The results show that the differential aspects between both groups of companies are market risk variables and debts and size variables.

How to Cite

Charlo Molina, M. J., Moya Clemente, I., & Muñoz Rubio, A. M. (2013). Differential characteristics of the spanish companies in the social responsibility index. Cuadernos De Gestión, 13(2), 15–37. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.110296mc
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Corporate Social Responsibility, Socially Responsible Investment, Ethical or Socially Responsible Indexes, FTSE4Good IBEX

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