Innovation management as the management of a heterogeneous and structured ecosystem



Published 14-12-2012
Juan Fernando Arango Londoño


This paper deals with innovation management as an evolutionary process that take place in a heterogeneous and structured ecosystem. This allows understand Innovation Management as the management of the interactions in a particular ecosystem that is wanted to change. First, theoretical fundamentals for an evolutionary model are presented. Then, an example is given to illustrate the variation of an ecosystem as a function of learning, performance, interests, beliefs and values of the agents. The example also shows agents restrictive action frame when it is wanted to innovate on an "earthquake resistant buildings device" and, also, it identifies the mayor interactions to be managed when a new earthquake resistant device is introduced into that ecosystem.

How to Cite

Arango Londoño, J. F. (2012). Innovation management as the management of a heterogeneous and structured ecosystem. Cuadernos De Gestión, 12(3), 125–137.
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Innovation Management, evolution, ecosystem, heterogeneous

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